

Safety and fairness. For all.

Here at Pietro Fiorentini, we have always taken not only our clients and employees into great consideration, but also the community. From investments to increase safety in the workplace to training initiatives and collaboration with schools and universities, valuing diversity and inclusion, relationships with local communities, and innovation projects designed to make the future more accessible for all.

Considering all the corporate offices around the world, the Group has a total of more than 2,600 employees. The employment relationship is guaranteed on an ongoing basis, as 98% of employees are hired with permanent contracts. A total of 266 entries occurred during 2023. Among them, about 48% are young talents under the age of 30.


The management of all these people, starting from the selection, represents one of the Group’s top priorities, with the ultimate goal of ensuring that everyone can reach their maximum potential. Having this in mind, the Company has defined a People Strategy designed to embody and give value to all projects dedicated to enhancing human capital.


The protection of its collaborators and all external stakeholders is a top priority for the Company, in accordance to the provisions of ISO 45001 – Health and Safety Management System, which covers all employees of the Italian sites. HSE function (Health, Safety and Environment) deals with accidents and injuries in the workplace management, as well as concerns and near misses.


Continuous learning is part of the Company’s culture which encourages all collaborators to improve their knowledge and competences, thanks to an integrated development model which combines learning through on-the-job trainings and theoretical trainings (in classroom or virtual). In 2023 we provided an average of approximately 30 hours of training per employee.


The company is constantly committed to ensuring equality at work and equal opportunities for professional development and growth, without taking into consideration race, skin color, religion, sex, age, physical ability, nationality, sexual orientation, political orientation, marital status, etc. This approach is even more relevant if we consider that, in over 40 offices in the world, Pietro Fiorentini has collaborators with more than 45 citizenships.


A corporate wellbeing program has been active for several years. It promotes employees’ wellbeing with the purpose to improve their health, motivation, and involvement. Periodic climate surveys are carried out among the corporate population to redefine priorities, capture new needs and receive opinions on the activities carried out. The results made it possible to identify three new keywords: Development, Energy and Equity, areas around which the company is committed to defining improvement actions. The Development area will focus on the training and alignment of managers; the Energy area will see further promotion of work-life balance and the strengthening of company conventions; the Equity area will include a more impartial regulation of smart working and the extension of performance evaluation criteria.


The value chain


In addition to the professional development and wellbeing of its collaborators, the company considers the impact generated on its partners along the value creation chain (both clients and suppliers) and in the local communities and territories where it operates.


The theme of customer centricity represents one of the pillars of the Group’s strategic vision. All solutions are designed and developed with safety as a priority, combined with the guarantee of constant quality performance. The spread of the quality culture also passes through the implementation of an internal management system based on both ISO 9001 certification and a series of certifications of the product or service offered. Client’s satisfaction is pursued and guaranteed thanks to the CRM platform (Customer Relationship Management), where there is also an issue management feature to collect any complaints to which the Company can answer promptly.


A fair and transparent relationship with suppliers represents another fundamental aspect of Pietro Fiorentini’s business. To manage risks along the value chain, in 2023 the Company continued and strengthened its reshoring policies, to select suppliers in the country of origin, and dual sourcing, to get the same product from global commercial partners. The supply chain management approach is inspired by the Local for Local principle, to make every company of the Group as much autonomous as possible. As a proof of this commitment, local suppliers count as 87% of the total amount of suppliers. The Supplier Documents Portal, a platform dedicated to verifying the relevance of suppliers and subcontractors to Pietro Fiorentini’s corporate policies, has been active since January 2024.


The Group’s social responsibility takes the form of specific support initiatives in favor of local associations and training activities dedicated to future generations on topics related to its business. In particular, In particular, the second edition of the C-Lean Energy Academy ended in 2023. This is a training course focused on energy transition, sustainable innovation and the application of Lean & Agile Management in organizational contexts. The C-Lean Energy Academy is a concrete example of Pietro Fiorentini’s commitment to social responsibility and the importance given to young people in building a sustainable energy future. A third edition was launched in March 2024.

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