

We have great projects planned for the planet too

The respect for the environment, national and international regulations and the constant pursuit of the lowest impact of our production activities form the basis of Pietro Fiorentini’s commitment to achieving sustainable growth, which does not harm the world we live in.

Because we have a myriad of opportunities to create our future, yet only one planet on which to live it.

Our commitment to customers


Aware of the centrality of the energy system in the path to reach the goal of  carbon neutrality, Pietro Fiorentini has structured its business model coherently with the “three D” – Decarbonization, Decentralization and Digitalization – by expanding its offer of technological solutions for the renewable energy sector. More in detail, Pietro Fiorentini’s commitment to energy transition is embodied into the development of new solutions for power-to-gas, hydrogen and biomethane, in growing investments related to the digitalization of energy networks and in the definition of a coherent M&A strategy.


Innovation is part of the DNA of the Group. In any area of expertise, Pietro Fiorentini is constantly committed to promote and implement sustainable and innovative solutions. In particular, along with the development of solutions in the renewable energies field, the Group has added a strong commitment to favour a more efficient and sustainable management of the water supply chain, which todays takes the form of a complete offer for water networks. Moreover, there are projects dedicated to innovate the products supplied to its clients, with a view to increasing circularity and sustainability.


Waste valorisation is a topic of growing interest for the Group. Through its subsidiary Sartori Ambiente and the companies of the Terranova Group, Pietro Fiorentini today realises advanced systems for the separation and collection of waste through hardware and software solutions that automate the inflow and analysis of data.

Our environmental responsibilities


Regarding the environmental impact of its production activities, Pietro Fiorentini pays great attention to monitoring and improving its sustainability performance in terms of waste utilisation, energy efficiency and water management.


The Group’s commitment to reducing its environmental impact has led the company to obtain ISO 50001 certification for its Arcugnano site, which regulates the requirements that an energy management system must have to enable companies to constantly improve their performance. Thanks to the certification process, several energy efficiency measures were identified and implemented in 2023.


With regard to waste management, the company considers sustainability and circularity aspects already at the product design stage (ecodesign), while waste generated in the plants is managed in compliance with local regulations and the ISO 14001 standard.


In particular, 82.5% of waste is sent for recycling, reuse or other recovery operations, with the aim of giving new life to the materials used.


In 2023, the Group analysed the location of the companies included in the report to assess whether they were located within water stress areas, which showed that 60% of the Group’s companies fall within areas with medium to low water stress.

Our carbon footprint


CO2 emissions come from both direct sources, such as the use of machines that require fuel, and indirect sources, such as the purchase of goods and services whose production generates emissions. Conventionally, they are divided into:


  • Scope 1, caused by the combustion of fuels such as diesel, petrol or natural gas, accounting for 2.3% of the Group’s total emissions;
  • Scope 2, indirect emissions from electricity consumption, which account for 1.6% of the total;
  • Scope 3, all other indirect emissions caused by activities not directly under the company’s control, representing 96.1% of the total. The calculation of the carbon footprint took into account the impacts of purchased materials, the most relevant category in terms of emissions, waste generated and business travel.


In order to complete the calculation of its carbon footprint, the Group’s intention is to expand the collection of data necessary for the process of analysing and reducing its Scope 3 emissions.

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