RTCP system


For over 10 years our company has been working for optimal management of flows and pressures in water distribution systems. Our experience has defìnitely shown that the best approach for active pressure management in PMZ is the Real-Time pressure control at Critical Point (RTCP).

In fact this method eliminates inaccuracies due to a lot of assumptions, imprecise compromises and structural inconveniences resulting by traditional methods based on estimates and models.

The RTCP System is the innovative solution to adjust automatically and immediately the Critical Point pressure depending on changes in the water demand.

lt continuously monitors network situation and pressure values at critical point (CP) and in real-time acts on PRVs or pumps to minimize pressure and to prevent pressure transients in PMZ.

The water network becomes a reliable and efficient system able to provide the best customer service. lndeed optimal pressure values minimize water losses, energy costs and burst frequency, extending asset lifetimes and reducing operating costs.

This solution is the best practice for active pressure management as recommended by IWA practical approach.

The RTCP System consists of two functional blocks:

  • Unit for acquisition and real-time transmission of the pressure measured at CP;
  • Control unit which acts on PRV set point to change PMZ inlet pressure keeping the desired pressure value at critical point.

The RTCP System does not require other technologies (eg. remote servers) and does not need periods of auto-learning necessary to other solutions. lndeed, thanks to real-time transmission of CP pressure values, the RTCP System has the actual pressure value in any moment and not an estimated value that will never be exact. Since it is based on real values and not statistical values, the pressure adjustment is the best possible.

The RTCP algorithm is able to recognize a sudden demand of water responding with appropriate supply.

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