Pietro Fiorentini interviews Nigel Thurlow
02 November 2021 - CorporateLast month, Nigel Thurlow, an internationally renowned expert on Lean, Agile, Scrum, Toyota Production System and Toyota Way, visited Italy. During his journey, he visited our Company, and was the guest of honor of the Lean Day organised by CUOA Business School where he took part in a round table discussion with our CEO Mario Nardi.
We had the pleasure to welcome him in the Arcugnano plant for a Gemba Walk around the production areas. At the end of the tour, we spoke with Nigel Thurlow about topics that are particularly relevant for today’s businesses, such as the application of the Flow, the importance of making quick decisions and the need to be able to prioritise activities and to evolve rapidly.
The interview is available on Pietro Fiorentini’s YouTube channel.
Co-author of the book “The Flow System”, Nigel Thurlow was the first Chief of Agile at Toyota and has led several Lean and Agile practices at Toyota Connected. Since 2020, he has trained over 7,500 people worldwide, as well as worked as a consultant on several boards at the University of North Texas.