The new cathodic protection test field at Pietro Fiorentini’s Rosate factory has been opened
23 February 2021 - SolutionsPietro Fiorentini’s factory in Rosate (Milan) now has a cathodic protection test field. The test field was also developed in collaboration with FM Engineering, an international leader in the application of cathodic protection, and allows us to simulate various kinds of real scenarios thanks to the use of complex system configurations.
Therefore, we can count on state-of-the-art tools to both commission and monitor impressed current and galvanic anode systems and to obtain advanced cathodic protection simulations. This represents yet another advancement that attests to the leadership position of our company in this sector.
In December 2020, test field certification was obtained following on from UNI EN ISO 15257 level 4 examination by cathodic protection experts. This means that the test field can now be used as a site for organising training courses for internal and external staff and for developing new products and applications, as well as made available to polytechnics, universities and research institutions that request to use it in order to carry out tests, research and measurements of various kinds.
Nine Pietro Fiorentini employees have already been trained as persons authorised to independently and safely conduct any type of process.
“Following on from the production and certification efforts of the test field – states Camillo Casaroli, Product Specialist in Pietro Fiorentini – we have been able to install our Next and Drone Kompact products and interface them with our new Service2Business monitoring software. The next challenge will be to connect new devices, updated to the latest industry technical standards, and to develop training events aimed at strengthening the skills of our clients in Italy and abroad”.