

Hyter is a company operating in the hydrogen sector since 2011 that joined Pietro Fiorentini Group in July 2021. The company develops solutions to generate green hydrogen through water electrolysis, with a wide range of size, from from kW to multi-MW.

AEMWE (proprietary) and PEM technologies are the core of Hyter’s electrolysers: while the first one is based on anionic exchange membrane, the second exploits protonic and exchange membrane.

Both technologies allow to satisfy multiple needs within the energy transition process. For example, they enable hydrogen storage, thus stabilizing the variability of the production of electricity from renewable sources, very often not aligned with consumption. There are also several other applications, like sustainable mobility, sector coupling or industrial applications.

  • Hydrogen purity: 99.95%
  • Energy efficiency: up to 82% at cell level, up to 75% at system level
  • Hydrogen production range: from 2 Nm3/h to 200 Nm3/h per single containerised solution
  • Customisable hydrogen output pressure: up to 25 bar
  • AEMWE technology (anion exchange electrochemical membrane)
  • Continuous operation up to 8,000 hours
  • Modular and easy to install
  • Remote control and real-time performance monitoring
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