Renewable energy queens conquer Germany: work starts on Straubing pilot plant
29 July 2022 - SolutionsOn the 28th of July, 2022, at the Straubing wastewater treatment plant in Germany, the work to install a specific solution by MicroPyros BioEnerTec, Hyter, Biokomp and Pietro Fiorentini to research and experiment with biomethanation processes from various sources, in particular biogas and synthesis gas, was started.
All the companies involved in the design, construction and installation of the project are part of the Pietro Fiorentini Group, the main promoter of a unique research and experimentation system for biomethanation throughout Europe, thanks to which it will be possible to create gas mixtures on site and rely on the direct feeding of biogas from the wastewater treatment plant’s digesters.
Each company is bringing its own contribution. The electrolytic stack with Anion Exchange Membrane Water Electrolyser (AEMWE) technology for power-to-gas will be supplied by Hyter, while Biokomp will take care of the compression parts for gas-hydrogen mixtures and pure hydrogen. MicroPyros BioEnerTec will deploy its teams of Archèi, the super microorganisms that metabolise hydrogen and carbon dioxide into methane and water within anaerobic environments, while Pietro Fiorentini will supply a purpose-designed biochemical reactor and all parts related to system integration, automation, and data acquisition.
Gianfranco De Feo, CEO of MicroPyros BioEnerTec, explained: “’The design and engineering phases are complete, and we have now started realization and installation. The research and testing system for biomethanation by the Pietro Fiorentini Group will be operational by the end of the year and will make the Straubing wastewater treatment plant one of the most advanced in terms of testing new biomethanation processes, which are crucial to produce green energy.”
Focus on: MicroPyros BioEnerTec
MicroPyros BioEnerTec is a German start-up operating in the biotechnology sector and to date is one of the three companies in the world which has industrially developed biological methanation processes (at the forefront of Power-to-gas) in which billions of microorganisms called Archaea metabolise hydrogen and carbon dioxide into methane and water within an anaerobic environment.
Focus on: Hyter
Hyter is a company in the renewable energy sector that manufactures a range of electrolysers for hydrogen generation, using an innovative technology compared to those commonly used (AEMWE, anion exchange membranes, instead of the conventional alkaline process or PEM, protonic exchange membranes). It is a choice that assures a significant number of technical and environmental advantages, as well as a reduction in the costs of plant management. Based in Desenzano del Garda (Brescia), Hyter stems from the evolution of the startup SPI Consulting, which was set up in 2011. Following a takeover by the Pietro Fiorentini Group in July 2021, a process to redefine the corporate identity led to a name change: the combination of the English word hydrogen and Latin iter (journey) gave rise to Hyter, pioneer of new routes towards the use of hydrogen.
Focus on: Biokomp
Biokomp is one of the top manufacturers of compressors and treatment systems of various capacities and sizes for methane, biogas, biomethane and industrial process gases. The company was founded in 2012 in the industrial district of Vicenza and has gained a solid experience in the compressor industry, thus acquiring the skills needed to design high performing and long-lasting systems. Biokomp solutions are available in different structures (open, closed, containerised) to allow maximum flexibility and integration with the industrial plants they are intended for, designed and built to withstand the most challenging climatic conditions. The Company’s strenght lies in providing strategic and optimised solutions for both conventional and special gas applications, particularly in the renewable energy generation and sustainable industry sectors.