Sustain-Ability to Change. Pietro Fiorentini 2020 Sustainability Report is online

22 July 2021  -  ESG

The Pietro Fiorentini Group is pleased to announce the publication of its Sustainability Report 2020, which details the Company’s commitment and projects for environmental protection, social development and management transparency. A document that testifies to the Group’s willingness to act responsibly and transparently towards its stakeholders.

The company’s ultimate goal is to create value that can be shared and is sustainable in the long term, both for the organisation and for the general environment, by investing in the training and safety of employees, sharing knowledge for the development of the region and minimising the environmental impact of production activities.

These topics are covered in detail in the document, through testimonials from managers, in-depth analysis of innovation projects and significant results achieved thanks to internal and external improvement projects.


The continuous investments in research and development, particularly on projects related to the energy transition towards renewable sources, prove that sustainability and innovation are the main drivers of Pietro Fiorentini Group long-term strategy. The Company aims to play a leading role in achieving carbon-neutrality in 2050, an ambitious but fundamental goal to deliver a better future to new generations.


This report, which is available at this link, represents a fundamental step in the path towards sustainability, undertaken by the Group to identify the areas in which the Company activities can have the greatest impact on environmental protection and social well-being.

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When lean management rhymes with innovation and sustainability

When lean management rhymes with innovation and sustainability

15 June 2021 - Corporate

Pietro Fiorentini is undoubtedly one of the leading players in the energy trasformation field (also in a digital key) with its smart metering and smart grid projects. Its distinguish features are continuous innovation investments, a strategy focused on taking new opportunities in terms of renewable energy sources. I spoke about it with Mario Nardi, CEO of Pietro Fiorentini Group.

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